Friday, 3 July 2015

Screening in USA - Phoenix, Arizona

There was another chance to view The Astronomers Sun on the big screen at PHOENIX LOVES SCI-FI festival yesterday, Thursday July 2nd. The festival brings the best science-fiction, fantasy and animated films that have been produced and/or screened in Phoenix over the last year. This was another chance to view the film in Arizona after last years Filmstock Film Festival


  1. "The religious are the firsts that not belief in God, thus the Inquisition, thus they abuse of the innocents, thus they mislead to the foolish and thus they buy to the folks (Galileo Galilei)"...IT´S TRUTH THAT RELIGION IS LIE

  2. "The religious are the firsts that not belief in God, thus the Inquisition, thus they abuse of the innocents, thus they mislead to the foolish and thus they buy to the folks (Galileo Galilei)"...IT´S TRUTH THAT RELIGION IS LIE

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